Sites worth visiting, and in particular those who run them. The people of the Périgord go out of their way to make you feel at home.


« You go halfway on foot and you walk the rest of the way and you’ll save loads of time »
Guy Pagès, a retired switchboard operator, Saint Cernin de Reilhac


The 2006 Félibrée, torrid and gironde 

The 2006 Félibrée sent a thrill through Dordogne and Gironde, decking both Port-Sainte-Foy and Sainte-Foy-La-Grande with lovely flowers. But what exactly does “Félibrée” mean ? The answer in Occitan.


A Walk in the Périgord Noir 

The "Pays de l'Homme", on the banks of the Vézère and the Dordogne

Grand Rue des Artistes

Rebirth of what was once the high street 

In August 2005, Le Bugue's "Grand'Rue", once the village high street but now largely ignored in favour of the new main street, was the venue for an open-air exhibition by numerous artists.

Al buga

Albuca Vallis Custos 

On Saturday 17 June 2006 a magnificent ceramic plaque was unveiled on Le Bugue’s covered market place. It represents the edict that King Philippe V Le Long (the “damned king”) issued in 1319, proclaiming that for evermore Tuesday was to be market day in Le Bugue. See if you can spot the hidden messages and funny bits added here and there !