« Aquela cançon me va jos la rusca »: “I’ve got that song under my skin”, as
they so prettily put it in Occitan…
On July 1st,, Villefranche-du-Périgord, on the borderlines of Lot and Lot-et-Garonne,
is to host the 88th Félibrée, the famous Occitania festival where everyone speaks,
sings and dances in Occitan. On top of the usual major events – Mass in Occitan,
the feast known as « la taulada », the traditional groups and troupes in the streets
and on stage at the « Cour d’Amour » - for the first time in 88 years, an Occitan
song contest is being held for those of you over the age of 16. The rules and regulations
are laid out below with the list of prizes to be won. A preselection will be made
on reception of your cassettes or CDs, to be sent to « Bornat dau Perigòrd ».
13, Rue Kléber
The 10 candidates selected for the contest will receive notification by post after
June 15 2007. All cassettes and CDs will be kept at the association. The winner
will be invited to sing at the Cour d’Amour before thousands of people – there was
an audience of 20,000 at last
year’s Félibrée in Port-Sainte-Foy and Sainte-Foy-la-Grande on 2 July -
and will have the privilege of performing in the first part of Nadau’s concert on
December 1 2007 in Montpon-Ménestérol (24).
Preparations are already well under way in Villefranche-du-Périgord and everyone
is overjoyed to be in on the experience. “How right we were to throw ourselves into
this adventure!”. Vincent Deltreuil, mayor of Villefranche-du-Périgord and Dordogne
county councillor had a big smile on his face as he left the first meetings - at
which the group of organizers of this 88th Félibréee in Périgord was formed. Jean-Pierre
Peuch, president of the committee, Georges Coste, vice president and Jacky Mortessagne,
treasurer, were used to bumping into each other on the odd occasion in Villefranche.
Now they have well and truly made acquaintance. All of them have long been involved
in community life and they are working hand in hand to make this Félibrée “in the
land of chestnut trees and cèpes” and in one of the oldest French
bastides an event to be remembered.