ecological heating

Warming to the idea  

It takes thirty years for a tree to grow. Trees in full growth absorb the carbon dioxide given off by burning wood. A pollution-free cycle, easy to master, which offers a decent and clean way of getting out of the oil crisis, using wood energy to power heating devices. Less of a bother than logs, wood granules – like graded wood shavings which are called “plaquettes” – can easily be used with press-button heating systems. Discover the pioneering work done in Dordogne by the farmers at the GRA.SA.SA., a cooperative that has been established in Ste Sabine Born since 1969.

Eric Castang

Eric Castang, vegetable grower, a balance of health and productivity

Rather than piling on the insecticides, the wholefood solution developed at Mauzens-Miremont is to introduce "good" insects to fight the baddies.

Making the world a better place by their example. Moments shared with a few wise Homo sapiens.