A man… A film
By Jean Bonnefon
The last farmer-cum-prehistorian is this man: Gilbert Pémendrant. On this Sunday,
April 3 he is out in all his finery… in his “Sunday best”. A wee bit shy, a little
bit uncomfortable. Standing next to him, Sophie Cattoire has everything under control.
She mothers him fondly… because she is the one who is responsible for all this commotion.
Gilbert can’t get over it all. Everybody is there for him. Or rather for the film
that has been made about him, by Sophie. He is intimidated; she is confident. She
has patiently filmed Gilbert on his farm at La Fuste in the Vallée des Beunes in
the Périgord Noir and also – and above all – in his Bernifal cave. Because Gilbert
is a farmer and also a prehistorian. An amateur prehistorian in the most loving
sense of the term… and today it is their encounter that is being shown on the screen
at the Pôle International de la Préhistoire. So it isn’t surprising for Gilbert
to feel intimidated and for Sophie to be reassured: the auditorium is packed. They
have had to turn people away, promising them a second screening on April 24. The
crowd are a mixed bunch in this glass, steel and concrete craft: an eminently contemporary
edifice that blends beautifully into the several–thousand-year-old site in Les Eyzies.
There are “Périgourdins” from every walk of life: farmers, scientists, old folk,
young folk, kids, artists, mothers, parents with their young children, grandpas
in their Sunday best like Gilbert, young fashion-plates: the Périgord in all its
diversity. SILENCE…
Sophie’s camera is subjective. She walks in the farmyard, with the hens, the dogs…
She is on the tractor that Gilbert will park by the rock shelter where, since prehistoric
times, generations of peasants before him must have kept their tools. These men
have a natural instinct over which the passage of time has no hold. Then Gilbert
walks up to his cave, just as if he was going down to the cellar to get a good bottle
of wine. But hey! This vintage is sumptuous! Right there before our eyes mammouths,
bison, ibexes and other animals from our far-distant past come towards Gilbert,
the shepherd of Bernifal. The voice that is guiding us has the same accent as ours…
he is one of us. We have all been along the road at the bottom. How many of us have
been into the cave? Today we are made to feel as if we are special guests… special
because Sophie brings us so close to her subject. Without intruding, she introduces
us into Gilbert’s private world. As they chat together we can sense the affection
she has for him… and so Gilbert trusts her and he starts to open up. He talks about
his love for the cave, his passion for prehistory… he tells us how proud he is of
being the guardian of this temple. We can tell how happy he is to welcome Norbert
Aujoulat, the well-known prehistorian, who brings his students from Bordeaux every
year to meet Gilbert and visit his cave. He tells us how concerned he is about this
society which controls everything to excess and which isn’t the slightest bit concerned
about a seventy-six year old farmer and prehistorian living in the depths of the
Périgord who has to keep on working to be able to lead a simple life on his land.
The film pulls at our heartstrings… we can actually feel the silence at Bernifal.
We can almost smell the soup that Gilbert is preparing for Sophie… and we want to
go and sniff the hay and the cows on the farm. The film music is a traditional mazurka.
A blissful feeling sweeps over us.
Then the lights come on… Gilbert and Sophie get a huge round of applause. We now
know that in this mad world we live in, somewhere in the Vallée des Beunes, there
exists a place that is undefiled and protected… with an unpretentious, honest man
there looking after it. Gilbert Pémendrant is indeed the last farmer-cum-prehistorian.
All our thanks to Sophie Cattoire for having presented him to us.
Jean Bonnefon
The event is also recounted in the article written by Jacques Saraben, painter
and photographer:
“See with your Heart”